by Stijn Bernaer | Sep 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
What you need: image as header for you popupmarketing text with clear CTA (for in your button)Google Tag Manager to display it on the pages you want. We will using the javascript library SweetAlert2. Go to your Google Tag Manager Define a new tag Use ‘Custom...
by Stijn Bernaer | Sep 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
So you have this type of ad: Lead Form on Facebook. It can be very useful to generate leads! Why? The form data is prefilled already (because Facebook knows quite a lot from its users). When running ads, you don’t want to check all the time when leads come...
by Stijn Bernaer | Sep 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
Scenario: e.g. you have an office with a laptop / computer in a building far from home. During the night you want to complete some administration stuff from your home without leaving the house. So we have a: a ‘TARGET’ device that you want to get access to...
by Stijn Bernaer | Sep 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
So sometimes you want to quickly test a webpage with some sample images with specific dimensions without losing too much time (resizing, cropping, …) Well this is a cool website that can assist you You need an svg image with dimensions...
by Stijn Bernaer | Sep 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
Start with entering all urls in a file: urls.txt Next, create a bash script file that loops over this file: while read p; do echo “$p” ./httpstatus “$p” #echo “$p” sleep 3 done <urls.txt Finally make sure you...
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