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Make this so easy … it cannot NOT happen.

Scientifics did an experiment: they put two pieces of fruit next to each other: an orange and banana … guess what fruit was taken the most?
Right, the banana as it’s way easier to consumer.
Speaking about supermarkets: brands pay more to be on the racks that are one “grab” height.

Thinks to make it easier for you to get your stuff done:

  • plan beforehand (e.g. make your week planning on Sunday; make a detailed planning every day before the working day)
  • start a couple of your most important tasks when you start your day (instead of postponing them to at the end of the day or you keep them for when there is time.
    Experience probably will tell you there is always re-active work and/or work with a better ‘instant’ gratification factor

Distraction Free
Use your mental space for things that matters the most